AdWords for Law Firms is a tricky business and also a hot topic for discussion as it works very differently than other industries. In 2013, statistics show 34% of people in need of an attorney relied on a recommendation from a friend or colleague. However, in 2016, 3 out of 4 customers looked for an attorney online at some point in the process to find the right legal representative. So, well-structured PPC ads can be just the ticket a firm needs to capture high-value leads and convince them that their services are better than the rest.
Yet, knowing the power of digital marketing, attorneys face enormous competition online, especially when it comes to AdWords for law firms. In fact, legal-related terms regularly top the highest-cost PPC bids.
Is Investing in AdWords a good choice for Law Firms?
I often hear contradicting statements from different law firms stating that- for some people, AdWords is a major source for business and for others it doesn’t work at all. In my opinion, AdWords isn’t right for every practice area in the law industry. Some lawyers would immediately agree to my statement and think this article confirms their suspicions. Please don’t immediately run to conclusions. Let’s dive in more.
To clarify my proposition, when I say that AdWords is not right for every practice area- I am referring to all those practice areas within law firms which generally get their business from referrals and friends. Below are a few examples:
I’m talking about the niche practice areas that work with the type of clients who will ask their general counsel for a recommended attorney rather than browsing google to find an attorney. For that kind of fields, you may not see much of organic search traffic because these clients are using more conventional ways to search for an attorney. In such cases, once they have attorney’s name they only go online to do some due diligence.
If you’re not practicing in one of these specific niche practice areas, then pay-per-click Internet marketing may be a viable way to bring traffic to your law firm. Specifically, if you practice:
If you practice any of above law type, you are likely to do good from PPC marketing. These practice areas are huge in online search. If you fall under this category and still haven’t been able to achieve success, it may be because your ads or landing page is not optimized.
To understand more in detail about how AdWords work for Lawyers and what you should do to get profitable business out of it, checkout here.